
Young Professional Fellowship Maldives 2021

III-Young Professional Fellowship’21
Application Deadline: February 20, 2021
Location: Maldives
Eligible Country: World-Wide

Program Introduction:

Mentor Amiable Professional Society (MAPS) presents III-Young Professional Fellowship’21 in Maldives which is an enlightening program designed for young people aged 16 to 35 years.

Young Professional Fellowship-Maldives 2021 is an intensely illuminating program designed for the global youth falling in the age group of 16-35. It’s a prolific journey in which you will thoroughly experience self-contemplation and engagement with amazing young people around the world. Furthermore, this fellowship will highlight cross cultural exchange, global friendship, self-exploration, leadership development and youth empowerment.

It’s an excellent journey of self-discovery where you profound plunging into yourself with astonishing individuals around the world. Furthermore, the fellowship will highlight cross-culture exchange, self-exploration, leadership development, global interaction and friendship, collaboration, Sustainable Development Goals, and youth strengthening.

Be the ambassador of change and win an opportunity to learn, explore and travel!!!

After the huge successes of Young Professional Fellowship Turkey, we are continually taking a leap and are aiming to welcome aspiring young leader’s applications to join the program all across the globe. We highly encourage you to apply and to avail yourself of the chance of exploring the Maldives in March 2021.

Apply For: AKF – Scholarships For International Students

Fellowship Topics

Covid-19 and its Vaccine Crisis:

Global harmony has always been a well-established need for all. Efforts, sacrifices, inputs and assistance has always been provided in good faith by underdeveloped states to fellow first world states for insuring a partner in every whip and whim. On the contrary, they moved for self-preservation beyond all whenever a crisis struck. From WW1 to Covid-19, modern human history is full of contradictions being played before the global agencies. Unfair distribution of vaccine is a link in the streak. The vaccine should be made available to all and it should be distributed across the globe without any discrimination or favor.

Civil Rights, Virtue and Tranquility:

Accessibility of equal social opportunities, protection under law, freedom of expression for every human being, rule of law and order and peace will diminish the probability of chaos. To eliminate the dilemma of religious conflict, ethnic rivalry, border disputes, imperialism, individual ambition, pretention of grandeur and fear. To educate people about human rights, that might endeavor by teaching and promoting respect for these rights and by dynamic measures taken on national or international level, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance.

Development of Science and Technology:

From the vast expansion of human potential to the radical transformations in the standard of life, science and technology has effectively played its part. To ensure national security and social stability, to sustain the growth of national economy and to improve its efficiency, to prepare for a smooth transition to an information society, to create a new culture suitable for the new society further development and progress in this field is required as it is directly proportional to the up-gradation of People’s lives, society and economy.


Entrepreneurs create businesses and new businesses create jobs. They strengthen market competition and increase productivity by pulling the process of economic development through efficient use of resources, manpower, and finance by expanding exports, by encouraging better standard of living, by enabling balanced regional development, by investing in products and services people need and by addressing environmental challenges. Entrepreneurship skills should be invigorated so that out dated thinking could be wiped off and no one could stop the society from growing and developing.

Anti-Patriarchal Model:

How the introduction of an anti-patriarchal model in our societies will lead to social prosperity. To understand the prevalent culture of patriarchy as a big hindrance in the elimination of gender discrimination and development of an accepting attitude towards women-empowerment and gender equality. Meanwhile, economic prosperity can be achieved by providing equal opportunities for all, by assuring the existence of safer and healthier communities by poking out pride and prejudice and by fostering peace to make this world a better place to live in. 

UNSDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy for All:

To ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. A well-established energy system drives every sector to be it businesses, medicine, education, agriculture, communications, and high-technology. On the other hand lack of access to energy supplies and transformation, systems restrict human and economic development. We can accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy system by investing in renewable energy resources, prioritizing energy-efficient practices, and adopting clean energy technologies and infrastructure.



  • To foster cross cultural exchange and global friendship between young people across the globe.
  • To develop leadership, team building, entrepreneurial skills amongst participants and to acknowledge them about the significance of UN-Sustainable Development Goals.
  • To enlighten the delegates about the changing world order and scenarios due to development in the economic and science and technology sector.
  • To help participants achieve greater self-awareness and a positive approach towards well-being so they can lead a healthy and peaceful life.
  • To sanction delegates discover the magnificence, culture and spirituality of Maldives.

  Fellowship Highlights:

  • Cultural exchange, food exchange, diversity celebration and cross cultural friendship.
  • Team building, group work, making peace and breaking ice by story sharing and talent shows.
  • Workshops on leadership development, entrepreneurship and UNSDG’s.
  • Self-scrutiny and critical thinking on various topics covered through the fellowship.
  • Active involvement of delegates and presentations on social projects.

 Fellowship Perks:

MAPS – Youth-Led Organization will select a total of 50 outstanding young people from across the world who are driving social change around their communities. Whether you are a social activist, student, vlogger, or blogger, we encourage you to apply for this fellowship. Team MAPS will cover the full expenses of the selected delegates. Those 15 Fully Funded delegates and 35 self-funded delegates will have a chance to experience the magnificent Maldives and meeting like-minded youth under a single umbrella.

Eligibility to apply in III-YPF’21 Maldives?

  • You should be 16 to 35 years from any corner of the globe and eager to work for UNSDG’s.(Minor age relaxation applicable). 
  • Passionate towards social change.
  • Must be engaged in social/educational activities at any level.
  • Motivated young students with no social experience are also eligible to apply but need to express his/her vision for social change.
  • You should have a passport (If not, we encourage you to apply for your passport and attach National ID for now)
  • You can apply without IELTS/TOEFL for this Fellowship.

Fully Funded delegates will be provided: 

  • Return Air-Ticket (Economy).
  • Award recognizing their efforts.
  • Accommodation for the whole period of the fellowship.
  • Certificate.
  • Meals. 
  • Fellowship Kit.
  • Site Seeing.
  • Cultural Evening Ceremony.
  • Celebration Party.

How to Apply?

  1. Pay Application Fee (25$)
  2. Complete application carefully
  3. Attach payment proof
  4. Submit and keep yourself updated

Frequently Asked Question in the Official Website


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